Friday, February 11, 2011

Automobile; can't live with one, can't live without one.

I was driving, hit a giant pot hole, got a flat tire. That didn't make me panic... that just made me annoyed.
What made me panic was thinking how/who is going to change the tire. The spare is in my trunk and I couldn't let anyone see what was in my trunk (garbage). So I started cleaning it out and I just shoved a whole bunch of papers into a bag and threw it in a near by dumpster. While I sitting, waiting for a ride I started thinking what all those papers could have been that I had just thrown out... Yup, this induced the fear. There was probably bank statements, check stubs, lots of personal info. WHAT IF SOMEONE STOLE MY IDENTITY? What if there was something really important that Ill need. I went back to the dumpster to see if I could easily grab the bag. It was at the very bottom so there was no way. Ill probably end up calling equifax, get some stronger protection.

Im not necessarily panicing but I am nervous that my car will be sitting on some street all night. I took out all my valuables but the car itself is a valuable. I really hope that it doesn't get stolen.
Pray for me!!!


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