Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not trying to be mean...

Are people born with lazy eyes or can something make you get one??
I've been staring in the mirror for awhile now making sure I don't have one.


Monday, April 25, 2011

The world is a scary place!


Past Fear

Believe it or not, I don't panic everyday... ok, maybe I do but its usually not something different everyday.
I thought every once in a while I would post a fear that I used to have.

This happened a few years ago...
I was emailing a guy I had never met before (weird, I know but I knew the rest of his family). We had really good conversations. We exchanged phone numbers so emails turned into texting and texting turned into phone calls. I was so naive, I enjoyed talking to him but learned that he was not someone I should get serious with but I liked the attention and kept talking to him... UNTIL he said that he was going to come visit me. WHAT! No, that can't happen. I told him that I didn't want him to and then ignored all his further emails, texts and phone calls. I was so scared every time the doorbell rang it would be him. I was mostly scared that he would turn out to be some crazy psycho who would stalk me the rest of my life. Turned out, he just liked me and I was the huge jerk!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Public Speaking

Usually people are nervous about public speaking before and during there speech or presentation. I don't get nervous before, I get nervous during and then I'm still nervous days after. For example, last night I was asked to share some thoughts in front of a big congregation for a church ceremony. I felt really special and important that they asked
me so I was really excited until I was up there speaking and forgot everything I wanted to say and now that it's over I keep thinking back to what I did say and wondering if it even made sense at all the people who ask me probably regret it now.
People told me after I did a good job but I always wonder I they really mean that or if they just say that because they are standing right in front of me.


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yup, its that time of year again!!! I made it through a busy, stressful, long semester but its not quite finished yet... actually the most important 2 weeks of the whole 4 months if just starting. This is what it all boils down to. Am I ready? Of course not. Do I feel prepared? Absolutely not. Am I panicking? Duh!!
I have a few hours left tonight to study and then Monday morning comes bright and early!!
Wish me luck!
Pray for me!
Do whatever you think will get me a better mark (probably getting offline and hittin the books).


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why can't I live in Europe?

Most big cities in Europe you don't need a car, public transportation is so accessible and so reliable. Why can't it be that way here?? I guess big American cities have good Subway systems like New York but not here. I rely so much on my car and I took it in for a tune-up this morning at 8am and it's now 12:12pm and they haven't called me yet to tell me if anything is wrong with it. That probably means that everything is wrong with it and they are stalling to tell me the bad news, or they are still making the "needs fixing" list which is probably over 50 items long... I only budgeted $900 to fix stuff and my bill is probably long past that.

Oh boy


Ex's Ex's

Does anyone else get really uncomfortable when you see one of your Ex's Ex's?? I do, or at least one particular Ex's Ex. I am terrified of seeing her. This is making me sound so horrible, I have never actually met the girl so I'm sure she is very lovely. I am just reminded of the heartbreak every time I see her and I am so scared that she is somehow going to work her way into my circle of friends or somehow I'll be forced to associate with her. It's just really frightening to know a lot about someone and to know they know a lot about you but you've never met them.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Roommate

I met my new roommate last night. She seems nice, pretty funny. I think we will all get along with each other. I just keep wondering what she's really like, not that I don't trust people (I think I actually trust people to much) but this is someone who is going to be sleeping under the same roof as me. I wanted to run credit checks on her and get her to give me references to call but I thought that might make me come across as a pyscho and I didnt want her to know that before she moved in. She's signed the lease now so we're stuck with each other for awhile. Maybe I should take inventory on my stuff, make sure she doesn't steal anything.


Monday, April 11, 2011

"Shut up stomach"

I have a very loud and expressive stomach, always growling and gurgling and sometimes it sounds exactly like a fart. It's so embarrassing. I promise that it's my stomach people.
I also googled to see why it is so loud all of the time... It growls when I'm hungry, when I'm full, when I'm content. Google said it could be a tapeworm. A TAPEWORM! How do I get rid of a tapeworm?
I think I am going to do a cleanse... Flush everything out if you know what I mean.

Sorry if this was to descriptive. Haha


Saturday, April 9, 2011

My unconscious...

I don't think I have ever talked in my sleep, at least no one has ever told me that I have. I have been sharing a room with my friend for over a year now and I can't help but wonder if I ever say anything or do anything in my sleep that would give away my deepest thoughts and feelings. She could know all my secrets (not that I really have any) and I wouldn't even know it.
Have you ever said anything embarrassing in your sleep?


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

I never thought I was a believer of conspiracy theories but that's because I never heard any. Have you heard the one about the government putting led in flu shots to "dumb us down?" Good thing I don't get flu shots.
What if they put led in other things though? Yesterday morning as I was getting off the bus downtown a woman was handing out free K cereal bars. I grabbed one because I'm all about free food. I didn't even get a good look at her. I ate it though because I was hungry but what if the government put something in them and got people to hand them out all over the city?? There is an election coming up... Oh gosh.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Beauty = Money

All through high school I never had a problem with acne. I washed my face with soap and got the odd breakout every once in a while but I'll admit, I was quite lucky. Once I turned 21 I can't get the pimples to stop. I have been working in a restaurant that long so I am hoping it is just the greasy environment and I don't have some skin disease.
Right now I have 5 zigs on my chin and 2 on my fourhead. Once one starts to disappear another one shows up. Its so frustrating. I have bought many different kinds of face wash and I am now scared my face will dissolve away to nothing.

Oh life... Why me??
